[陈奕迅 Eason s life演唱会2013][2DVD-ISO][4.26G][DVD香港演唱会]


01 Life – Entrance
02 今天只做一件事 One Thing a Day
03 L.I.F.E. Overture
04 花花世界 Fascinating World
05 Life goes on
06 每一个明天 Each and Every Tomorrow
07 美满人生 Perfect Life
08 Welcome to the future
09 Eason on Eason’s Life (Part 1)
10 时代巨轮 Wheel of the Era
11 大人 Grown Up
12 碌卡 Favour
DVD 2:
01 Stranger under my skin
02 幸福摩天轮 Ferris Wheel of Fortune
03 信任 Trust
04 Eason on Eason’s Life (Part 2)
05 时光倒流二十年 Somewhere in Time
06 夕阳无限好 Beautiful Sunset
07 今日 Today
08 我的快乐时代 My Happy Times
09 天下无双 There is no Other
10 与我常在 Always with Me
11 床头床尾 Head End, Foot End, Bed Ends
12 主旋律 The Main Theme
13 Life – Exit

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98MAC资源网 » [陈奕迅 Eason s life演唱会2013][2DVD-ISO][4.26G][DVD香港演唱会]



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