[Sketch][v79.1 中文破解版][最好用的矢量绘图软件]

搜集到的Sketch(App Store 精华) 是最强大的移动应用矢量绘图设计工具,Sketch 的优点在于使用简单,学习曲线低,并且功能更加强大易用。能够大大节省设计师的时间和工作量,非常适合进行网站设计、移动应用设计、图标设计等。

Sketch 闪退崩溃有以下几种可能:
1、如果是 ARM M1 芯片的,建议转译运行。
2、如果装了 插件,基本上可以断定是某个插件不兼容 Sketch 新版本导致的(Sketch 更新了,但是插件没有及时适配),把插件全部卸载,然后再把 Sketch 卸载干净,重新安装。安装后一个插件一个插件的试,看看是哪个插件引起的闪退。
3、74/74.1/75 破解版支持 macOS 12 Beta

Sketch 是最强大的移动应用矢量绘图设计工具,对于网页设计和移动设计者来说,比PhotoShop好用N倍!尤其是在移动应用设计方面,Sketch 的优点在于使用简单,学习曲线低,并且功能更加强大易用,支持自动切图,并且具有移动设计模板,能够大大节省设计师的时间和工作量,非常适合进行网站设计、移动应用设计、图标设计等。


将公共模块创建成组,转化为符号(Convert to Symbol),即可随时随地重复调用。当你编辑该符号时,会立即同步到其他调用的副本上去。无需从头到尾重复操作,大大减少了设计师的工作量。

连接你的手机或平板电脑,使用Sketch Mirror在不同设备上实时查看你的设计效果。



v78.1 fixed – 2021.10.30
Fixes a crash that could occur if a layer used as a mask had an effectively zero size.
Fixes a bug where you were able to move locked Layers with the mouse when they were selected.
Fixes a bug where copying CSS attributes for gradient points would list them in the wrong order.
Fixes a crash that could occur with frequent Canvas refreshes, such as zooming in and out of a document repeatedly.
Fixes a bug where fonts might not embed at all if you embedded one font after the other too quickly.
Fixes a bug where grouped layers using inner shadows could render incorrectly.
Fixes a bug where doing Select All with a multi-selection across different groups would end up selecting more elements than expected.
Fixes a bug that could cause the Mac app to hang when trying to load a long list of overrides on some Macs.
Fixes a bug that would prevent you from dragging an export preview from the Inspector when its name contained a backslash.
Fixes a bug where an image fill could display incorrectly if you had previously reduced its size.
Fixes a bug that could cut off the Color Popover in the Inspector when opening it close to the bottom of the screen.
Fixes a bug where toolbar spacing distribution was not correctly maintained when you hid the Layer List.
Fixes a bug that could cause the Fonts tab in the Documents Settings window to not update reliably.
Fixes a few bugs where copying CSS attributes could result in styles being copied with the wrong alpha values.
Fixes a bug where using the Zoom to Artboard command (or ⌘4) could change a layer’s opacity if you were selecting a layer outside of an Artboard.
Fixes an issue where, when exporting a slice with a prefix from the Layer List, the prefix would be applied as a suffix instead.
Fixes a bug that could cause emojis within text layers to disappear if you applied a non-solid color fill (like a gradient) to the text layer.
Fixes a bug where copying CSS attributes of fills that included radial or angular gradients would be incorrect.
v78.1 – 2021.10.20

98MAC资源网 » [Sketch][v79.1 中文破解版][最好用的矢量绘图软件]



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